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Transport Rails
Information on different rails according to the diferent standards: European, Australian, American and Russian profiles.
European standard: 39E1 (BS 80A), 45E1 (BS 90A), 45E3 (RN 45) ,46E2 (U33) , MAV48, 49E1 (S49), 49E5, 50E2, 50E3, 50E6 (U50), 54E1 (UIC54), 54E2 (UIC54E), 54E3 (S54), 54E4, 54E5, 56E1, 60E1 (UIC60), 60E2.
American standard: 90ARA-A (TR45), 100RE, 115RE (TR57) and 136RE (TR68).
Australian standard: AS60 and AS68.
Russian standard: R50 (P50) and R65 (P65).
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